Wa Lau Eh!
Shit man. As usual, when i come in to office, i'll get a cup of hot tea and enjoy it with my breakfast. Instead of joyable day, i heard funny beeping sound out from my server. It was like 2 long beeps then followed by 2 short beeps. In my mind, i was like......"fuck liao la". And gee, i hate it when i am right, the server is not booting up. After tedious check and investigation, It was the bloody exhaust fan faulty. So, i need to source a compatiable fan and mod it to fit my server. cause if voltage/ specifaication different, the server M/B sensor can detect the fan. Arghh.... anyway, i dont want to detail it, so problem fixed!

These 2 pictures was taken on 28th April 2007. Racing Aaron took out his 10 years JD and we went to Pure bar and consumed it. Wow, the taste rocks! and i drank till damn pei that day.

Aaron+Big Cat+Cherry+KKS
TY+Aaron+Big Cat+KKS+10years JD = Happy la!
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