QR QR QR code
It seems like the very "in" thing in technology these days with QR code. It's actually rather useful for people who always on the move. During a rush hour, you could just simply scan the QR code from your smart phone and, wahh laaa... you got the website display on your iphone/android/blackberry/Nokia. So, i was curious about it and created something for the blog, which i ignored it for soooo soooo long.

The reason behind this is just simply because a blog still uses internet, and being a IT person, i know where that is going to bring me one day, kena hackers la, kena wipe out from website la after so many years of blogging. Then can not recover, then how? anyway, i was mumbling. Don't pay no attention.
There you go, my very own QR code! hehe.

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