Follow the Flow, Friend.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today's lesson

Today's lesson

Today, let TY be the teacher for you all. Remember, if your parents ask you where you learn new words from, must say dunno ok? and teacher TY no guaranteed your future one ok? And don’t look for me if you in any trouble after you misused the words. I teach free one what you expect oh???

Today’s lesson 101 is……

Hiong kan

Actually this word is much longer one. Ge ho lang kan la means go and give people fuck la.

But we are so lazy until as time goes by, the word no longer in use, and thus, replaced with Hiong kan. When do we actually use this word, this term anyway???

Ok, I will give you few example sentences. This word can help you a lot if you use it wisely.

Example 1

When something you do fucked up, you screw urself up using hiong kan liao cit pai meaning, this time really give people fuck liao.

Therefore, with the usage of this word, you will actually release certain amount of stress to it and reduces burden on your mental. If u say 10 times, you will feel better. Say 100 times the best, eventually you’ll get tired and become less tulan. Boys and girls, this is only to reduce the tension. Not solving it ok? That one say 1 million time also no solve.

Example 2

Niama, lu kong hak mik? Lu buay song si bo? Hiong kan la!


Ur mother, what talk you? You no happy is it? Give people fuck la!

In this situation, it’s obviously someone is fucking someone up. In this case, the word hiong kan actually create havoc & more and more tension. Correct or not? It’s like fighting fire with fire; end up both in a loose loose situation.


Dolce 21/11/2007

Tipsy TY

Guo Siang + TY

Very the no life lo....Hiong kan liao la. hehe. Sorry for making such lame entry.



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