Follow the Flow, Friend.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A sad moment

A sad moment

Last Saturday when Sherry told me that one of her friends admitted to the hospital, I thought for a while, must be some minor sickness or minor accident. So I didn’t really bother much when she called me and I was like replied in a very grumpy mood.

“I am sleeping now. Can we talk later?”

She sounds upset, but I didn’t really take note of that. Sleepy ma….

Then by noon, she came crying and told me that her friend diagnosed with blood cancer, Known as anemia.

Anemia is where the blood level has a lower number of red blood cells than a normal person. It can be fatal, in most cases.

Her friend, lets call her Ms Y. is now on a coma state after her partial of her brain nerve collapsed. She’s only 18 this year.

My heart trembles in pieces. She lends a shoulder and cry out loud. I don’t know what to say at that point, after being years of class mate of her, and just suddenly she’s going away forever. It’s just unacceptable. By putting myself in their shoe, i too can not take it. It's too sudden.

Ms Y now is in the hospital waiting for her time to go. Nothing much the doctors can do except to inject more antibiotic and vitamins on her. She breathes with a tube now. Doctor’s advise was even a miracle would occur and she survive this crisis, she would be a vegetable.

Upon hearing this, Ms Y parents couldn’t control their emotions. They can not imagine their daughter would die in such a young age. Grieving and crying moments can be heard loudly. They had no choice but to ready for the funeral, as I heard.

“But she still alive on her bed, how come must prepare for funeral so soon. Maybe she’ll wake up?? “I said to Sherry

Sherry was too distraught to speak on this. She kept a silence mouth.

It has been 72 hours now. So far so good. Pray to her that miracle will happen and will heal one day.

Life…… fragile as it seems, yet others have the motive of ending it just because they are not happy. Look around you. Cherish while you can because you only live once.

Once only. Can not restart like a personal computer.

PS:- Not long after this entry, she passed away eventually. May her soul rest in peace.



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