Follow the Flow, Friend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It's a free preview movie, Big Cat obtained it using "Zhong Guo Bao" newspapers' header to exchange 4 tickets. So Me, Big Cat, Cherry and Nicole went for the soft launch @ Terbau Jusco cineplex.


When Bolt is lost in NY

Where Bolt & Mittens met Rhino the hamster.

This movie is great, made me humour and the whole choreograph scene was awesome, And John Travolta being sound of Bolt, it's like having a little greese in the movie. It's really touching towards the end. I don't wanna be a spoiler, just watch it.

If this movie you say not nice, either you are a moron who don't understand it, or you are an ass who has no life.


Mostly yesterday's audience is basically kids. I think one thing is bacause of the year end long holiday.



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