My company dinner & dance 2008 was held at Orchid Country Club. A resort club around Yishun area on the 11th October 2008. It's been 2 years since the last dinner & dance. So i was pretty excited about it.
When i got the invitation card, i noticed the theme was "retro". Wow, do i need to wear a boombastic outfit in conjunction with this D&D? i thought.

Banner with Ben, our Regional MD, doing his thing- Speech.
I actually bought a wig, and borrowed a "hip" pants which looks like the John travolta's in the movie 'greese". But the pants was way to exaggerated. Not mentioning i need to go thru causeway, on the public transport. Then, i dropped the pants idea. Ended wearing my Topman jeans instead, because i know after the D&D, me and my colleagues had plan to rumble @ Zouk!

Jade, ready for singing sensation competition!

Queued for like 20 minutes just to get in. Since MOS closed for reno, patrons all come here!
Every single freaking colleagues laughed at me that very night cause of my funny wig. I dont mind actually for the sake of fun. I did managed to be very sociable indeed on that night. Everyone loves me! hehe....

Aiko + TY ( this is the only pix i had on my HP, me and my wig)
I am proud that i wore that wig. Cause it won me Mr Best dress! Free money! Which is good!

Laugh at me no problem, as long as got money. Hehe...
I wish i have more pictures to show, but unfortunately, i didnt bring my camera there and was borrowing shots from fellow colleagues. Only few on my HP, which i intend to share with you guys. I will try to upload more once i got my hands on their cameras.
Labels: company events, party