Do you know what you want to achieve in your life? Yes, What?
Recently had this conversation with Wildman and it seems that lately there has been few of our friends is in some rock bottom depression mode. Perhaps due to work, love & money. I can't think of anything else beside these 3 senarios. Very true, innit?
For someone has gone thru it all, I told wildman that life is like a bitter sweet symphony. Ups & downs like roller coaster. We need to learn and adapt the on changing environment to suit our thinking. When you can able to change your mindset, that's the time you will open up your idea & see things more clearly , live in lesser stress & achieving something probably you've never imagine you could before. I can't expect everyone of you to understand my phase but my experience in life is great although sometimes it didn't work out as it supposed to. It's a gift of blessing in disguise. And i hope many more to come in near future either bad or good.
Life is short....... to make any mistake. else, you'll ended up wasting everything. SO, be good.
I told Wildman that go and do it while you can, while you still young & while your still desire. But he seems so uncertain and confuse, anger always been controlling him. Hope you'll find your right path to walk man!
Haiz. 7 years of work. In debts. I need more results!
Hey, dont sabo me ok? I just writing my point of view in life only. I know some of you disagreed one!
Well, so what you want in life? figured out yet or still in a mist?
While logging in to Credit card ebanking system, i notice my points is not enough to redeem anything. So i donated it all to THE PURE LIFE SOCIETY & SHELTER HOME FOR CHILDREN. 2000 Points each. Which equivalent to RM200 bucks each. Only donation this bank calculated as 10 points = 10 cents. So very worth it if you donate out rather to redeem stupid money clip for 5000 points.
I am happy. The unfortunate are happy. So why don't you make a difference today too?
Labels: my life