Yet, another joyful occasion. Siew Yin is my old friend since 1997. We met via a mutual friend, Ming Seong. She was in Sunway College while i was in Inti College. We became very close after that, hanging out together always. Until others start gossip us as a couple. But we are not. Nothing to hide. In fact, Many of my close friends i knew instead, wanted to have her. You know who, i know who can already lo. Wahahahaha.

A bit like Fann Wong Replica
Anyway, She's a lovely girl. However, no free lunch in this world. You gotta understand her before you even wanna woo her. Anyway, since she's married now with David, her husband, so you guys can forget it. Haha.
The dinner was held @ Hotel Equitorial Malacca, Nyonya Style dinner. Quite refreshing and interesting dishes i would say.

David & Siew Yin
Well, As far as i remembered, after with Wai Ling, we sort of lost touch and go seperate way. Until the day she threw the red bomb to me.

With TY.
Then out of a sudden, Siew Yin was dating one of my high school buddy for 5 years before they seperated. Up till today, they are still best friend. Moved on, and eyes wide open.

Datuk Ong punya anak, Julius, was the MCee of the night.
I wonder if my ex gal friends will even wanna come to my wedding banquet dinner. Not mentioning becoming an MC or usher. At least i know they hate me. Hehe. My bad.

Yam Seng!
Happy for them, sad for me. Die one want me. How??
Labels: wedding